Monthly Archives: December 2014

Daves of the Week – A Surrey Hills Community Radio show.

Daves of the Week – A Surrey Hills Community Radio show.

I want you to imagine a fanfare and a drum roll in your head as I do not know how to convey those noises via the written word. (Got that noise going in your noggin?. Good, then I will begin).

I am co-hosting a new radio show called ‘Daves of the Week’ on Surrey Hills Community Radio starting on the 16th January 2015 9.00pm-11.00pm. Needless to say I am very excited. Like many things I get excited about I do not technically have any experience of hosting a radio show. I see no reason to let a little thing like this stop me from trying. Everyone is a novice at the start of something. Except prodigies, and frankly, that is just cheating.

I am taking it seriously though. I have done my research and done what I usually do when faced with a problem; think about it incessantly. I have got the first show pretty much mapped out. It will be a mix of discussion of community topics, music, games and we are going to try and focus on local charities. This is the plan anyways. Mice and men and all that.

If you are at all interested (or if you are not interested and want to help me out) you can visit our Facebook page on

or tweet us at

or you can Instagram us at

We would love it if you would like to make song requests, message the show, suggest topic to be discussed and make contact.

The show itself can be listened to on

and it will also be uploaded to Mixcloud if you can’t listen to the show live

If you could spare the time to share, like, tweet etc the show, I would be very greatful. As it is an online station, it can be listened to anywhere, so people from around the world, please feel free to join in.

Take care buddies,


Social Media Do’s and Don’ts.

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts.

First off, this is a list for me. I am not here to judge others. If anyone will be judged by me, it is me. I simply need a wig and black robe. For anyone not familiar with the British justice system’s outfit of choice, judges wear wigs and black robes. No, I do not know why. Perhaps their heads get cold from all the thinking and judging and they lose head heat faster than others?

Anyways, my list of social media do’s and don’ts reflect my own thoughts about what I should do or not do, but by all means come along for the ride.


Use social media to make connections with people across the world and do groovy things. Start projects with people who I would have never have contacted if not for social media. See where life takes me.


Look at other people’s stats. Seriously, it is the path to the dark side. Whether other people get a certain amount of tweets, likes, comments, shares etc etc etc has no relevance to what I do.


Find new and interesting things. The world is chock full of bands I have never heard, books I have never read and films I have never seen. Find out what is going on in the world past what is ‘popular’. I am looking at you One Direction.


Use social media to distract myself from the more important things I should be doing. A notification of whether someone went to the pub will still be there after I have finished writing or reading or anything that actually benefits me in some conceivable way.


Take time to look at videos of funny cats, dogs, cute babies, cute babies with dogs and/or cats or any combination that makes me happy. This is not wasted time. Anything that can make me feel them lovely feels is not wasted time. It is an improvement to me as a person.


Use social media as a way of venting about something that is not the thing I want to vent at. So no stupid arguments over nothing because I am annoyed at the world in general.


Run like hell away from all social media at least once a day. Go outside. Leave the phone at home. Try and find someone giving away free puppies (God I want a dog). Anything that involves the real actual physical world.


Google myself. Don’t be that guy.


Google myself.

(Whoa dude, what the hell? You totally undercut me there).

(Sorry dude. You know as well as I that you have googled yourself more than once).

(Are you mocking the use of the word dude? Seriously?).

(Yeah sorry).

(You trying not to giggle at the turn of phrase ‘googling yourself more than once’ because it sounds ever so slightly naughty?).



(Fist bump).


Have mini arguments with myself on social media. That stuff stays out there.

Take care buddies,


What is that negative voice?

What is that negative voice?

Now I am in my post therapy life and I am sane and happy (or as sane and happy as anyone can be in this world of ours) I find I am noticing more things than I used to. This is most likely because I am not foggy from tablets or too anxious to be clear headed. One thing I have noticed is something I am not terribly fond of.

Does anyone else have a voice in their head that can only be called a ‘douchey’ voice? The one that makes a nasty comment and the rest of you is left thinking ‘wow, where did that come from? That was such a douchey thing to think.’ It feels like talking to a petulant spoilt child ‘No! We do not think like that. It is not nice.’ Yet, the douchey voice still makes it’s quips and comments so barbed they could be used on prison walls to stop inmates escaping.

I am realising that I am writing this in a way that would make more sense to people who have read my other posts about going to therapy etc and know something about me. If you are a first time reader (thank you by the way, but seriously, what took you so long? 🙂 ) I promise I am not crazy. When I talk of voices, I do not mean I hear other voices. I know it is me, but different aspects of me. The trouble is, that when I think of it like that, I can come to no other conclusion than it is me making those douchey comments. I don’t like that because I try really hard to be a good person, and I do not appreciate this back seat douchery. Not cool buddy, not cool.

So, what to do, what to do?

Seriously, that is a question. What do I do? Any ideas are appreciated.

I could try and ignore them I guess, but I can already hear the ghost voice of my therapist (she is not dead, I am alluding to the idea of her being a wise old martial arts master and I am having a flashback to her teachings in a critical moment of the last match of the tournament) saying that ignoring something does not resolve it. You are correct wise master. It would not be resolved. (Takes up Crane pose).

I could try and force my brain to stop thinking those thoughts, but I do not have a great track record of controlling my brain. My thoughts are like eels covered in lubricant (they are slightly kinky eels) and my hands are the hands of a teenager (teenager/37 year old man – same diff) trying to unhook a bra as they try to catch them.

On a side note – Dear women. Showing that you can unhook your bra with one hand behind your back and saying ‘Look, it is easy.’ is not as encouraging as you might think.

I could try, like what? Going to a mountain and purging all negatives thoughts from my ol’ noodle? I think I would suck at that. I don’t like heights for a start.

Another side note – Seriously, does anyone else have this problem? I am suddenly gripped with concern that it is just me. Help me out here.

Ready for an awesome conclusion?

Well, so am I. At least we can both be let down by the ending together.


Yes. I am looking (in a metaphorical way) at you wordpress type people, with all you fingers and keyboards and thoughts.  What do you think?

Sorry for the ‘losing virginity’ sense of disappointment from the ending. Honestly, this has never happened to me before.

Take care buddies,


Hitting the Airwaves Radio Stylie.

Hitting the Airwaves Radio Stylie.

Exciting news! I am going to be co-hosting a radio show (with another David) on Surrey Hills Community Radio. We have been given the 9.00pm – 11.00pm slot on a Friday night, so I think that is pretty rock n’ roll.

I am possibly way too excited to be on a local community radio show. The reason I am excited is that I love it on car journeys when the London radio stations lose signal and a lovely local radio station comes on and tells me all about the news that is happening in the area. It feels like a welcome to town. Now, I get to be that person. We have a cool show lined up and it feels nice to be doing something that is centered on the area I live. I mean, Leatherhead has an annual Duck Race, and how many places can say the same?

The other really cool thing I have found (I know I am using the word cool a lot, but I am in a good mood, so go with it) is that because the radio show is broadcast through an online app, people can listen to it in other countries too. I am just saying, and I am in no way hinting that people I know abroad should listen to the show. But you should. Seriously.

On a side note, it is an interesting notion that I have spent six months getting to know some very awesome music types and I had no intention of being on the radio. It is serendipitous that I know some really good up and coming bands and musicians so I can play them on air.

I am going to the studio tonight (which is five minutes from where I live, so that was very nice of them to be so considerate) to be shown the ropes, which is odd as I would imagine there would be more buttons and headphones involved, yet, I am the novice here, so I am remaining open minded. I will post pictures tomorrow and let you know how it went. I will also post when the first show is coming out and what will be on it.

There will be a website going up soon (created by the lovely Gauri) and I will link it when it is up.

Until then, you can listen to the show online on the link below or get the app for your phone and listen to it on the go. I have been listening to it while I have written this post. So far, The Eagles and Elton John. Good tunes so a good sign.

I am off to practise my radio voice. Eeeeeeeeeee!

Take care buddies,


The Old Border music video ‘All Over’ (Filmed in our flat).

The Old Border music video ‘All Over’ (Filmed in our flat).

I know, just when you think I could not get any cooler, a band goes and shoots a music video in our flat.

Let me introduce The Old Border, a lovely bunch of lads who formed their own band. Their song ‘All Over’ is on the following link on youtube.

You can also find them on their Facebook page on the link below.

The whole day was amazing fun. The flat had never been tidier, the actors were charming and the video was shot by Gauri’s (she is my gal in case ya don’t know) brother Amar and his fellow university course students. I was doing the final draft of a play and Gauri and I did the read through in a room stuffed with everything from our flat that needed to be moved out of the front room or bedroom to make room for the cameras. The final cherry on the cake that it is annoyed the neighbours I don’t like. They actually told me off for laughing. Swines.

Take care buddies,


Negatives into Positives 10.

Negatives into Positives 10.

Are you a 19-year-old version of me that has been told you need glasses and are worried about how they are going to affect how cool you look? No problem. Simply wait 18 years until you are picked as a special candidate and paid to test wipes that clean glasses. This way you will see that most things can be seen as a positive eventually. You will also look more intelligent in job interviews.

Music that I think deserves more notice.

Music that I think deserves more notice.

I wrote earlier about the desire to make it as a success. I also get bothered by people I think are really good that are not getting the coverage I think they deserve. So, in my own little way, I am going to try and alter that. I present to you bands and music that I have listened to this year that I really like and that I hope you like too. If you do like any of them, please take a moment to like Facebook pages, youtube channels, their own websites etc. Most of all, if you like something then pass it on. Word of mouth is still the best way to promote people. So, if you can, please do. They all have stuff out there, so I encourage you to go and do a musical treasure hunt and discover more about them for yourselves.

(In no particular order).

Mark Davidson (aka The Almighty Spit).

I love this guy. I am way too English to be able to rap in a kick ass way, so I love it when I find someone that can. Below is a link to a song called ‘Never Again’. You can also find a track on youtube called ‘March with the Devil’ which starts at 2.34 on a link from a podcast.

Dale J. Gordon.

A friend once said to me ‘I want to be cool. Like American cool. English people don’t do cool.’ I want to be cool like Dale. He has dreads for goodness sake. Also, he is a unique sound and I love things that are different, but good different. Below is a link to a song called ‘Ghost Candy’.

Mann Friday.

These guys have been going for ten years and considering some of the shit I hear on the radio, it baffles me how they are not bigger. There are so many good songs that I don’t know which one to pick. So, i will go with…

‘Sunrise Everyday’

Ryan Koriya.

Ryan is the bassist from Mann Friday and a singer/songwriter in his own right. Ryan is for the mellow mood days when I want to chill. I have added a link to ‘Ghost Rider’ which is a great song with an amazing video.

Lux Lisbon. 

I have only got into this band recently, but I know for sure they are keepers. I love their music and one of their songs is currently more than stuck in my head. I have added a link to a song called ‘Get Some Scars’ which is my favourite track of theirs.

Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band.

Deep down and dirty blues. God I love this. I really wish I was American sometimes so I could get into this scene and not look like a 30 something English guy trying to be cool and failing. They have a washboard and a guitar made out of a cigar box. Need I say more?

The song is called ‘Dirt’.

If you have any music that you would like to share in the comments, then please do. I am always interested in new things.

Take care buddies,
